
  1. Point your local kubectl to your data plane K8s cluster and namespace.

  2. Save the current Helm values to a file:

    helm get values rime-agent | awk '!/USER-SUPPLIED VALUES/' > values.yaml
  3. Edit the values.yaml file by changing the image version in the fields rimeAgent.images.agentImage.name and rimeAgent.images.agentImage.name to the new version. To find the version value, navigate to Organization Settings page, and click on the Manage Agent Setup tab. The Control Plane version will be displayed at the top of the pane. The version value to be used in the values.yaml file will be the Control Plane version without the prefix v.

  4. Follow the version specific upgrades.

Upgrading from v2.0 to v2.1

  1. Update cloud provider’s IAM setting used for accessing Datasets and Models to support providing permission for the service account rime-agent-rime-cross-plane-server.

  2. In the values.yaml file, create the section rimeAgent.rimeCrossPlaneServer with the same IAM related annotations, and in some cases also labels, as the rimeAgent.operator.modelTestJob section.

  3. Update helm chart:

    helm uninstall rime-agent
    helm repo update
    helm install rime-agent robustintelligence/rime-agent --version $RI_VERSION --values ./values.yaml

Verify Upgrade

  1. Verify that the rime-agent helm chart is of the new version:

    helm list
  2. Verify docker image versions:

    kubectl describe deployment rime-agent-launcher | grep Image
  3. Verify that the CRDs crossplanerpcjobs.rbst.io and rimejobs.rbst.io are present:

    kubectl get crd | grep rbst