User account roles
User accounts can have one of several roles and associated privileges.
An Organization-level administrator has administrative privileges over the entire instance, and can perform the following actions:
Create workspaces
Edit workspaces
Delete workspaces
View and use workspaces
Timezone settings
Audit log settings
SSO configuration
User management
Data source configuration
SMTP configuration
A Basic user is a user account with membership in no workspaces. Such users can log in, but have no privileges on the RI Platform instance.
A Workspace administrator is a user account with administrative privileges over a workspace, and can perform the following actions:
Grant or revoke membership in that workspace
Configure and set up the workspace
Manage API access tokens
View the status of agents assigned to the workspace
Has access to managed images
A Workspace member is a user account with membership in a workspace. Such users can view and use their assigned workspace.
A Support user is a special-purpose account used to provide user support and guidance. Support users have the same privileges as Organization-level administrators, but those privileges can be revoked by Organization-level administrators when the Support user is no longer required.
A Workspace VP user is a user account with the same privileges as a workspace administrator. User accounts with this role can see aggregations of learning model risk for models in the workspace.
A Workspace viewer is a user account that can view all public projects in a workspace as well as any projects in the workspace that have been explicitly shared with that user account. A user account with the Workspace viewer role can take no action other than viewing the contents of the workspace.