Robust Intelligence 🤝 MLflow

Robust Intelligence integrates with MLflow Tracking. This integration unlocks the true power of AI Stress Testing when experimenting with many models.

With the RIME SDK you are able to query for metrics and include them in your MLflow experiments. You can see in the below code snippet. To get a better understanding of the integration, take a look at the MLflow Demo Video.

import mlflow
from rime_sdk import Client

# Set these before beginning!
BACKEND_URL = "rime-backend.<YOUR_ORG_NAME>"

# Connect to your cluster.
rime_client = Client(BACKEND_URL, api_key=API_KEY)
project = rime_client.create_project(
    name="Example Project", description="Example logging Robust Intelligence artifacts to MLflow.",
config = {...}

# Run the test!
job = rime_client.start_stress_test(
    test_run_config=config, project_id=project.project_id

# Query the results.
test_run = job.get_test_run()
test_run_result = test_run.get_result_df()
test_cases_result = job.get_test_cases_df(show_test_case_metrics=True)

# Preparing the test cases results to log.

# Log experiment results to MLflow.
with mlflow.start_run():
    cols = test_run_result.columns
    col_is_metric = test_run_result.dtypes != object
    for index, is_metric in enumerate(col_is_metric):
        col = cols[index]
        if is_metric:
            mlflow.log_metric("rime_" + col, test_run_result[col][0])
            mlflow.log_param("rime_" + col, test_run_result[col][0])
    mlflow.set_tag("Robust Intelligence Stress Test Link", test_run.get_link())
    mlflow.set_tag("Robust Intelligence Test Run ID", test_run.test_run_id)
    mlflow.set_tag("Robust Intelligence Project ID", project.project_id)