Registry Validation Statuses

When an artifact is registered, it undergoes a validation process to ensure it meets certain quality and integrity standards. The validation process can result in one of the following statuses:

  • Valid (VALIDITY_STATUS_VALID): The artifact has passed all validation checks and is considered to be in a correct and usable state.

  • Invalid (VALIDITY_STATUS_INVALID): The artifact contains errors or issues that prevent it from being used correctly. These issues need to be addressed before the artifact can be used with Robust Intelligence’s systems.

  • Pending (VALIDITY_STATUS_PENDING): The artifact’s validation is still in progress. This status might indicate that the process is taking longer than usual or that additional checks are required. Artifacts marked this way can still be used with Robust Intelligence’s systems, but it’s recommended to review the validation status later to ensure that the artifact has been validated successfully.

  • Unspecified (VALIDITY_STATUS_UNSPECIFIED): The artifact’s validation status is not known. This status might indicate that the validation process has not yet been initiated or that the artifact is not subject to validation.

Understanding Validation

The registry validation process aims to maintain the quality and reliability of the registered artifacts and their use within Robust Intelligence’s systems. If you encounter an artifact with an INVALID status, it’s recommended to review the associated error messages or logs to determine the specific problems and how to resolve them.

Additional Notes

  • Please reach out to your Robust Intelligence representative if you need help understanding validation errors or require assistance with resolving validation issues.