
Once deployment has concluded, use the following reference to smoke test your Robust Intelligence installation.


NOTE: Expected outputs for commands will differ depending on your cluster’s configuration. Your SA will guide you through validation based on your specific configuration.

  1. Point your local kubectl to the newly-deployed cluster.

  2. Inspect the initialization Jobs. All should be complete.

    > kubectl get jobs
    NAME                                           COMPLETIONS   DURATION   AGE
    rime-acme-init-cluster-metadata                1/1           4s         5m26s
    rime-acme-init-indexes                         1/1           13s        5m26s
    rime-acme-init-mongo-tls                       1/1           6s         5m26s
    rime-acme-init-vault                           1/1           12s        5m26s
  3. Inspect the Deployments. All containers should be ready.

    > kubectl get deployments
    NAME                                      READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
    rime-agent-launcher                       1/1     1            1           5m26s
    rime-agent-operator-controller-manager    1/1     1            1           5m26s
    rime-acme-agent-manager-server            1/1     1            1           5m26s
    rime-acme-auth-server                     1/1     1            1           5m26s
    rime-acme-data-collector-server           1/1     1            1           5m26s
  4. Inspect the Services. There should be one of type LoadBalancer with a valid external IP address.

    > kubectl get services
    NAME                                 TYPE           CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP    PORT(S)                       AGE
    rime-acme-agent-manager-server       ClusterIP    <none>         5016/TCP,15016/TCP            5m26s
    rime-acme-auth-server                ClusterIP     <none>         5012/TCP,5017/TCP,15017/TCP   5m26s
    rime-acme-firewall-server            ClusterIP    <none>         5002/TCP,15002/TCP            5m26s
    rime-acme-frontend-server            ClusterIP   <none>         80/TCP                        5m26s
    rime-acme-ingress-nginx-controller   LoadBalancer   80:31938/TCP,443:32494/TCP    5m26s
  5. Inspect the Pods. All should be in a Running state.

    > kubectl get pods
    NAME                                                      READY   STATUS       RESTARTS    AGE
    rime-agent-launcher-6d84988c45-2l7hf                      1/1     Running      0           5m26s
    rime-agent-operator-controller-manager-766d77dd9c-mm6g4   1/1     Running      0           5m26s
    rime-acme-agent-manager-server-6cff586b77-jdjc7           1/1     Running      0           5m26s
    rime-acme-auth-server-5f95f6c796-9jg22                    1/1     Running      0           5m26s
    rime-acme-data-collector-server-6bb486f9d7-c65h2          1/1     Running      0           5m26s
    rime-acme-dataset-manager-server-76d6c885d7-tvts4         1/1     Running      0           5m26s
    rime-acme-feature-flag-server-6d5db47474-r9kzq            1/1     Running      0           5m26s

Web Client

  1. Verify that the web client is accessible at your specified domain (e.g.,

  2. If configured, verify that SSO integration functions correctly.

  3. Verify that the license information displayed in the top-right corner is correct.

  4. Verify that API tokens can be created successfully. Instructions are in the API Access Tokens guide.

Python SDK and REST API

To fully validate the programmatic clients, try running one of the sample notebooks provided in Tutorial Notebooks.

A quick test test of the Python SDK is to instantiate the client and create a Project:

pip install rime-sdk
from rime_sdk import Client

rime_client = Client("rime.<DOMAIN>.com", "<API_TOKEN>")
project = rime_client.create_project(
    name="Health Check (Python SDK)",
    description="Testing the Python SDK's upstream connection.",

The same can be done for the REST API:

curl -X POST 'rime.$' \
  --header "rime-api-key: $API_TOKEN" \
  --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
  --data-raw "{
    \"name\": \"Health Check (REST API)\",
    \"description\": \"Testing the REST API's upstream connection.\",
    \"model_task\": \"MODEL_TASK_BINARY_CLASSIFICATIOn\"

Configure Backups (Optional)

Backups ensure that your team can restore your testing data in the event of a disaster. If you have deployed the Velero backup service in your cluster, you can configure backups using the steps below.

  1. Download Velero.

    curl -fsSL -o velero-v1.6.3-linux-amd64.tar.gz
    tar -xvf velero-v1.6.3-linux-amd64.tar.gz
  2. Ensure that your backups are scheduled properly.

    > # By default, VELERO_NAMESPACE will be "rime-extras"
    > velero schedule get -n $VELERO_NAMESPACE
    NAME                                STATUS    CREATED                         SCHEDULE     BACKUP TTL   LAST BACKUP   SELECTOR   PAUSED
    rime-extras-velero-mongodb-backup   Enabled   2023-04-19 14:26:37 -0700 PDT   0 6 * * *    336h0m0s     16h ago       <none>     false